Tooltip Categories: Terms

  • Enfeoffment

    Yes, the spelling is correct! This is one of those words that looks fat-fingered; and no, it’s not equivalent to that indecipherable Trumpian “covfefe’. It’s a real word. I first encountered the word while reading Trouillot, Michel-Rolph’s “Haiti: State Against Nation. The Origin and Legacy of Duvalierism, pg 57”. It’s a medieval term for a

  • Disembedding

    Disembedding refers to the way in which contemporary social practices can no longer be primarily defined by their grounding, or embeddedness, in the local context of a restricted place and time. When something is disembedded, it is moved from a concrete, tangible, local context to an abstract or virtual state. Examples: Slavery in the new

  • Asiento

    a contract or convention between Spain and another power or company or individual for furnishing slaves for the Spanish dominions in America

  • White-Fearing

    Source: Inspired by a conversation with Historian Dr. Alexis, Yveline Since it was whites who enslaved blacks, whites fearing blacks should be contextualized and held with a high degree of skepticism. After all, blacks were the captives of whites for centuries. If one group should fear the other, the enslaved have a legitimate claim to

  • Exclusif

    A mercantilist economic policy term; for example, France’s monopoly on colonial trade

  • Caporalisme Agraire

    militarized agriculture

  • Tout moun se moun

  • Kadejak

  • Free People of Color

    This is a test

  • Nouveau libre

    manumission of a person freed from 1793