The Quiet Architecture of Black Excellence and the Death of the...
A friend from the neighborhood stopped by last night with his wife and their 18-year-old daughter, bright-eyed, standing at the edge of her future,...
You Can’t Win Tomorrow’s Game with Yesterday’s Points
During one of our monthly Afro-Caribbean men’s domino gatherings—the kind where the slap of the tiles carries the weight of history and pride—a debate...
The Crust that Binds
How manifold are the tongues that proclaim the delights of the humble, golden crust? In Haiti, it is revered as Graten; in Cuba, Cocolón;...
From Ginen to Betasyon
The Haitian soul does not bend easily to the thin, brittle gospel of individualism. Its pulse beats elsewhere—deep in the communal embrace, where the...
Plus ça Change…
Nolan’s Selina Kyle: “There’s a storm coming, Mr. Wayne. You and your friends better batten down the hatches, ‘cause when it hits, you’re...
The Cruel Theater of Ruin: Haiti’s 2010 Earthquake Revisited
The proverbs of Haiti, like whispered hymns of the ancestors, find their way into moments when truth must be spoken plainly, when the weight...
Reflections on the Blank Page
Can the Haitian spirit subsist on mere words alone? Cast your minds back to the austere dominion of WordPerfect 5.1—a technological age when the...
Diaspora Nonprofits and the Lindy Test: How to Separate the Real...
The Lindy Test for Haitian Nonprofits: How to Cut Through the Fog and Find the Truth
There is a certain immortality to the things that...